GovHack is over for 2014

By — Thu, 21 Aug 2014

As the dust starts to settle on GovHack in 2014, and the cleaners mop up after the red carpet awards, the bHack team can't believe we won ... something!

Even if it was only an honourable mention, the bHack team have netted themselves a cool $1000 dollars for their hack-errifc efforts during the GovHack 2014 competition. In fact, for Ballarat's first step into the national competition, the entire Ballarat representation were overwhelmingly successful.

For the Ballarat Hackerspace team, it was completely unexpected and quite a delight to be notified of the award and it certainly marks the first significant contribution to a permanent space. We would again, like to thank everybody who participated and contributed to the awesome weekend. We're looking forward to next year's event already.