We're heading to the GovHack Red Carpet awards

By — Wed, 6 Aug 2014

Whilst it has been a few weeks since GovHack, the awesome that was generated that weekend continues to flow strong.

In fact, the Red Carpet awards are on at 1815h this Sunday night at Ballarat Technology Park Central if you want to come by and see how the local (including bHack) participants faired. Our team representative, Brett James, will be jet setting off to Brisbane to represent bHack's entry to the competition.

Our entry was Pee On A Tree, a web app that gamified getting out and about. It utilised local tree data in a foursquare/ingress style game, encouraging families with kids or kids at heart to get out into the real world, visit some trees, learn a thing or two and crowdsource the local area database. Our team consisted of 7 members all of various skills and over the course of 46 hours we actually came up with a pretty good demo by the end of it. For our first attempt at such a competition I think the team performed admirably.

A big thank you to George Fong, Lateral Plains, and our very own Scott Weston for coordinating the event. Their efforts have definitely shaped the future for Ballarat's participation is these types of events.

We'll see how we stacked up against the rest of the nation this Sunday night at the Red Carpet awards. See you there!